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This Irish 'couple' made a holy show of themselves with a fake proposal at an outdoor karaoke event

You can’t take us anywhere

SOME PEOPLE JUST love being the centre of attention.

You know, those people who always put up their hand to read in school – the Katie Prices among us.

giphy (31)

Honestly, more power to them. Take the limelight away from us shy-and-retiring folk.

SOME PEOPLE, however, really take the biscuit when it comes to attention seeking

Enter Rheanna and Bill – or should that be Gwyneth and Chris?

Rheanna is currently in Berlin enjoying a summer ‘out foreign’, when, while attending an outdoor karaoke event at Mauerpark, she decided to have a bit of craic.

My friend and I went to a big outdoor karaoke thing, told the crowd it was our third year anniversary and that we met at a karaoke bar.”

The pair launched into Yellow by Coldplay, having donned the aliases of Gwyneth and Chris respectively.

Click here if you can’t see the video.

Hard to believe you can fake passion like that, but you can apparently.

They were now so far embedded into the lie, however, that drastic action was required.

Bill did what any self-respecting prankster would do, and ‘proposed’ to Rheanna – much to the joy of several hundred German strangers.

People on the street kept stopping us, almost crying, saying it was the most romantic thing they’d ever seen.”

(WARNING; This clip contains a lot of screaming)

Click here if you can’t see the video.

People were pretty easily fooled, given this random Instagram from a spectator.

Source: @idneb15/Instagram

Rheanna explanation as to why they pulled the stunt is credible enough.

Do i need a better reason than for the craic?”

Seems legit.

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