Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Habits

All time
Poll: How many TV shows do you make sure to catch every week?
Could you give up all online contact for 24 hours?
The 20 most common hobbies of the richest people in the world
'Can you teach an old dog new tricks? You can, but not by week two of a new year'
Eoghan McDermott
Want to start 2016 off on the right foot? These apps should help
11 Irish food habits that totally baffle people abroad
Irish shoppers like buying stuff that's about to go off...
Are you a hoarder? New study finds four different kinds of hoarder personalities
12 strange habits that make Novak Djokovic the most interesting man in tennis
25 daily habits that will make you smarter
Marmion learning good habits at Pat Lam's flexible Connacht
These Dublin nuns have just done the holiest ice bucket challenge yet
SME book club: How can habits impact on a small business?
12 things everyone does when they get to a hotel room
Getting a new device for the family? Your children will be the ones deciding what to get
This woman doesn't smoke but cigarettes have almost killed her
19 signs you’re a hardcore Manchester United fan
16 things that everyone else does too
7 enraging habits you're not allowed give out about
You'll definitely find these things mildly infuriating
9 tiny things that drive you completely MAD
8 dangers of using your phone on the toilet
Smile! One third of Irish people have broken or missing teeth
Know-it-alls, working naked and bad excuses: survey reveals workplace habits
Workers in Ireland hate laziness, moodiness and volume of co-workers - study