Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Lies

All time
'They will know the truth in a couple of weeks' - Ronaldo blasts 'lies' regarding his future
Veteran IRA member claims Gerry Adams lied when he denied being a member of the organisation
7 Little Lies Every Irish Person Has Told Their Mam
The "five-second rule" is a lie
15 little lies every Irish person has told their mam
11 Snapchats you would definitely send to your mam
US presidential hopeful 'claimed he was named most honest in class which didn't exist'
15 lies you tell yourself every day
Poll: Have you ever told a really big lie that you've later regretted?
9 things Irish people will never admit to
People are sharing the lies they constantly tell their parents
11 lies every Irish person has told
Boy who claimed to die and visit heaven admits to making whole thing up
Friend of Boston bombing suspect convicted of lying to FBI
Water charges will cost families more than €400 a year - Fianna Fáil
Poll: Have you ever lied on your CV?
11 lies that will definitely be told this Christmas
Do you like to tell a fib? Don't worry, it's part of evolution
Column: Gossiping isn't harmless fun – the damage it causes can be irreversible
Tony Moore
9 heinous lies you probably tell every day*
The lies we all told our parents
Fewer than one in ten people trust business and government leaders
The 8 all-time biggest Irish lies
Employers catch out majority of CV liars - survey