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pokemon go

This 7-year-old boy is making light-up Pokeballs to keep other kids safe at night


THE GAME HAS only been out a week, but most people think we’ve already hit peak Pokémon Go.

But one little boy in America has become the internet’s hero after coming up with a very helpful invention:

Pokeball badges that light up so people can play in the dark safely

glow GoFundMe GoFundMe

His name is Athen Salcedo and he set up his own GoFundMe page so he can manufacture the badges and sell them. The page has the most adorable description too:

this is for my poke glo business that I started. I want every pokemon go player to have one so that they can be safe at night. i do not want anyone to ever get hurt playing pokemen go.

The badges are based on reflective materials that light up at night – as his mam explains:

My husband and I were talking about Pokemon Go safety concerns and how it would be scary to think of kids walking around at dusk. My son, Athen, being the bright little nugget that he is, suggest light-up pins. We tried to help him find things that light-up but ultimately found that reflective materials will work just as well.

He’s raised nearly $2000 in one day.

Not only that, but everyone has fallen in love with his brilliant and cute idea

Every Pokémon Go player truly needs one – just for the adorableness alone

And, you know, the safety.

More updates are being posted on the Poke Glo GoFundMe all the time, and Athen’s mam had this to say for the people who donated:

Athen has gone through every donation. He knows your name and where you are from. He will be personally replying and posting here but he is all tuckered out from a very long day. (insert proud mom here)

Well done young man <3

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