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original joe's

A pub gave this customer free food as a thank you for not drinking and driving

“Thank you for being responsible. Life is valuable.”

SEEING A NOTE stuck to the windscreen of your car is hardly ever a good thing – this is one of those rare times.

13007112_619185321572136_2769049795682710685_n Facebook / Original Joe's Facebook / Original Joe's / Original Joe's

Earlier this week, Paula Grzelak-Schultz left her car parked outside Original Joe’s pub in Edmonton, Canada, overnight.

When she returned to get it the next morning, she found a piece of paper left on her windscreen – and immediately assumed she was about to get an earful.

However, it was in fact a thank you letter from the restaurant’s manager.

originaljoe Facebook / Paula Grzelak-Schultz Facebook / Paula Grzelak-Schultz / Paula Grzelak-Schultz

Just wanted to thank you for leaving your car parked overnight. I’m not sure if you had consumed alcohol at our restaurant or not, but we wanted to thank you for not drinking and driving.
Enclosed is a voucher good for 1lb of our delicious chicken wings. Please accept this as a thank you for being responsible. Life is valuable, have a great weekend.

Grzelak-Schultz posted the letter on her Facebook page, where it has been shared over 8,000 times.

“When I found the letter on my windshield I thought I was getting in trouble for leaving my car in front of the entryway to the pub,” she wrote. “I’m so impressed.”

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