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6 unexpected things that happened this week

Shnakes in Cavan, crocs in shopping centres and hot sauce – it’s all the bizarre, bonkers, brilliant news stories you need to know about.

Image: Imgur

WHO KNEW THAT Albert Einsten was a man for a rhyme?

Well, he was – because he once said: “A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” 

If you’re sure it’s everyone else and not you, then you’re in the right place. DailyEdge.ie takes all the craziest, wackiest, wildest news from the internet’s working week and distils it down for you. Don’t get hazy, cos here we go…

Australian vet Chris Brown had an awkward moment this week when he stumbled across a “dolphin orgy” while filming his TV show. The TV personality was swimming with the animals off the New South Wales coast when he summoned “100 dolphins mating”. He had attempted to attract them with a high-pitched tune, and his call seemed to have worked – better than he could have dared imagine. Does he whistle the same tune every night in Coppers at 3am? WAYO! (The Independent)

A crocodile was caught browsing in a California shopping centre this week. The croc was left outside a Roseville mall – presumably by someone who no longer wanted it. The animal had grown to 4 feet long, and its jaws were wrapped shut with heavy-duty tape. No one was hurt. Reports indicate the Fish and Wildlife officials who rescued it were “feeding it rainbow trout” and looking for a zoo to take it. (Miami Herald)

Source: Imgur

A couple in Preston found £2,500 stuffed inside a plastic bag in a trolley outside a cash ‘n’ carry. A forgetful shopkeeper had left the cash there on his way to the bank with two days’ takings when he stopped at the shop to load his car up with goods. A couple saw it, made off with it and are being sought after by local police. There’s a “carrying cash” joke in here somewhere but you know what? We’re gonna rise above it. (Mirror)

It’s final. That pesky Sriracha hot sauce factory in California has been shut down. Remember a few months ago, when residents just outside Los Angeles were complaining about the literally eye-wateringly pungent smell emanating from the processing plant? Well, they’ve got their wish. The City Council voted 4-0 to declare the fumes a delicious, meal-enhancing nuisance. They have 90 days to remedy the situation and become less stinky and tasty. (Reuters)

Source: Imgur

People are brewing beer with actual brains now. OK, OK, so it’s not human brains – it’s goat brains, in fact. Philadelphia’s Dock Street Brewing Company have made a beer with smoked goat brains. They concocted the beverage to mark the finale of TV show The Walking Dead. Let’s not even think about what they’re gonna do for the Game of Thrones finale. Shiver. (Huffington Post)

A grass snake was discovered in a pipe in a pub in Cavan. The proprietor of the Slieve Rossa in Cavan town, Michael Mooney, discovered what appeared to be snakeskin when he was clearing a blocked pipe from the washing machine. He believes it must have been a pet let loose, saying “Unfortunately, boiling water comes down that pipe. He got cooked. He came out well done!” Giving whole new meaning to the term ‘pub grub’. Scream. (DailyEdge.ie)

This article was brought to you by Cadbury.

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About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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