Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# inspired by cadbury

All time
Watch this dad's beautiful timelapse film of his daughter growing up
6 unexpected things that happened this week
Crafty nine-year-old steals family car to avoid having to go to school
Fearless pet parrot saves owner from attacker during daily walk in park
Tipsy 'beaver' steals blackcurrant cordial in botched nightclub theft
Terrified woman calls police over home invader... who turns out to be a duck
What's the worst place to be stung by a bee? This student has found out...
6 unexpected things that happened this week
Builders surprise man with 1966 time capsule hidden by his late wife
Chicken arrested for crossing the road
Dad moves messy daughter's bedroom to the driveway to teach her a lesson
Stuck bull saved by policewoman who held its head above water for three hours
Meet the couple who won the lottery three times... in one month
6 unexpected things that happened this week
Meet Fota's new baby giraffes... and suggest some names for them
Woman hears music for the first time after 40 years
Discount bar selling £1 drinks to open in the UK
Appeal for 1,000 shaggy sheep ahead of World Shearing Olympics in Wexford