Dublin: 6 °C Saturday 15 February, 2025

Horrifying or beautiful? Strangers are filmed kissing for the first time

Can you cope with this public gob lobbing?

TWENTY RIDEY  PEOPLE were asked to be filmed kissing a complete stranger.

We can’t decide if the outcome is the most horrifyingly awkward thing ever, or the most beautifully compelling thing ever.

Some of them are cringey:


Some are very sweet:



And some just really go for it:


The little hugs and sly looks at the end are very sweet, but you’re almost certainly going to pull a few cringe muscles along the way.

Decide for yourself:

Source: Tatia PIlieva/YouTube

You shouldn’t laugh at these Irish kids snotting themselves, but you will>

8 awkward kisses we’ve all had to endure> 

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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