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The best songs to have sex to (according to Twitter)

This hashtag has us worried.

RIGHT NOW ON Twitter the hashtag #BestSongToHaveSexTo is trending and it sure is … informative.

For an issue as important as this we’ve trawled through the tweets to give you a brief rundown.

Perhaps like this Twitter user you are baffled as to where to even begin

Where to start? This person has a rather crass sounding suggestion from Chris Brown

In case you were wondering, it is a real song. Sadly.

ChrisBrownVevo / YouTube

“I love it when you ride it / You a stallion baby”

Good. God.

ShawTilDareBadd / YouTube

She’s not wrong, Trey Songz has nearly as many rumpo related jams as R.Kelly.

There’s this:

TreySongzVideos / YouTube


TreySongzVideos / YouTube

and this:

TreySongzVideos / YouTube

Trey Songz must be wrecked from all this “love making” he’s singing about.

Talk about an extensive list!

That Bruno Mars song is quite “explicit” too. Gosh.

BrunoMars / YouTube

Ah jaysus.

UsherVevo / YouTube

Although this parody is quite funny

KatyBrandLaughs / YouTube

This almost sounds like a threat.

In case you’d forgotten the controversial video for Justify My Love is still pretty raunchy stuff (bit NSFW obviously)

madonna / YouTube

Is it just us or when you hear Careless Whisper:

GeorgeMichaelVevo / YouTube

Do you sort of assume it’s the music from a Milk Tray ad?

Or is it really just us?

Even though we think Keith is joking, it’s a pretty good joke:

UkNegative / YouTube

Don’t you just hear this and think of STDs more than anything? Bad vibes we reckon

kingsofleonVevo / YouTube

Maybe if we listen to Beyoncé’s version?

nabucco77  / YouTube

Nope, still just sounds like an STD jam to us.

What have we learned from all this? That most Twitter users would try to soundtrack any sexy fun with some R&B slow jams or some “comedy songs”. Grand.

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