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Hard Times

How to identify someone who grew up without 'The Channels'

How many remember The Children’s Channel envy?

They can work wonders with a set of rabbit ears

Not only did those without The Channels have to contend with just Bog 1 and Bog 2, they often had to jig around the room to get the picture just right.

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They tell tales of visiting relatives ‘up north’ and grow misty-eyed a the memory of all the lovely channels

BBC, UTV and exotic breakfast cereals lay beyond the border.

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They were forced to lie about knowing everything about The Simpsons in school

They could only dream of Gladiators, Stars in their Eyes and Blind Date on a Saturday evening

Seaquest DSV and Baywatch was about as exciting as it got.

Ukgameshows Ukgameshows

They remain fiercely envious of people who lived in housing estates and blocks of flats

With clustered housing came piped television, nearby masts and Sky satellite dishes.

PA Archive / Press Association Images PA Archive / Press Association Images / Press Association Images

Hulk Hogan is the only one they remember from Wrestlemania

AP / Press Association Images AP / Press Association Images / Press Association Images

They remember a childhood of Garda Patrol, Questions and Answers and Murphys Micro Quiz-M


Old Moore's Almanac Old Moore's Almanac

Any mention of The Children’s Channel still sends them into a jealous rage

Tv-ark Tv-ark


Nocookie Nocookie


Wikimedia Wikimedia

Their only contact with music videos was whatever was on Dempsey’s Den at 5.55pm every day

MTV? No chance.

Valeri Ale

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