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6 hashtags we need to stop using right now


TWITTER IS A glorious thing.

It connects people and gives global access to a constant stream of news, jokes, debate and chat.

But there are elements to Twitter that we don’t like. Hashtags can be pretty useful, but mostly they are used and abused. We all follow some eejit who #tweets #like #this or someone who uses #reallylonghashtagsfornoreason.

(And as for hashtags on Facebook? Don’t even get us started!)


YOLO is the kind of phrase that people start using ironically, before being sucked into the whirlpool of ending every sentence with it. Woefully overused.



Chances are – unless you’re a 1950s criminal – that what you’ve got isn’t #Swag. Even you, Justin.

I can’t see #Plunder taking off, can you? Or how about #Booty? #Spoils? #No.

#Sorry #NotSorry

Well, this one is just rude.

You can even wear this crappy sentiment on a tee shirt.

Image: via Mbird

No one mentioned having to be sorry, but now that you gave an apology and revoked it, we’d actually like you to say sorry.


Chances are always extremely high that whenever somebody uses #Epic, what they actually mean is #Mediocre, or perhaps #Average and even sometimes just #Grand.

You again, Justin.

Becomes doubly annoyed when coupled with #Fail.


Do you really want to emulate Charlie Sheen in your hashtags?

Image: via Giphy

Well, we know someone who does.

Let this one die please.


Definitely the smuggest of all hashtags.

A similar version of #Blessed is the all-too-common #LovinLife. If you’re loving your life so much, how come you’ve got so much time to tweet about it? #Checkmate.

Yeah we get it, Justin, your life is sooo amazing and you are sooo blessed.

If you’re so blessed then come come you can’t use hashtags? Huh?

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About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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