Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Adverts

Last year
KFC ad of bride eating 'unhealthy' fried chicken falls foul of advertising watchdog
Shock road safety adverts of the past weren't liked — but they were effective, says Taoiseach
Opinion: 'The endorsement of cars by RTÉ celebs during a climate crisis shows poor judgement'
Seána Glennon
All time
Almost half of adverts posted by social media influencers not labelled as such, research finds
Poll: Should junk food advertising on TV before 9pm be banned?
Poll: Do ads on social media impact how you vote?
Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin have spent over €50k on Facebook adverts so far this campaign
Poll: Is legislation banning alcohol advertising near schools and creches a good idea?
Advertising watchdog should be 'beefed up' so it can monitor online political ads
Social media ad regulations should be drawn up for future referendums, Commission says
Poll: Do you think gambling ads should be banned from sports?
Watchdog fears foreign ads could influence Irish referendums and elections
Children who watch extra junk food adverts consume more calories
Complaint partially upheld about 'Despicable Me' Sky ad
Varadkar says describing civil servants as being akin to Nazis is 'wholly inappropriate'
'A clear election pitch': Fianna Fáil continues to hammer government over Ireland 2040 marketing
Old Irish ads from the past 50 years are free to view online from today
Pepsi pulls 'tone deaf' Kendall Jenner protest ad after sustained backlash
A Coppers Gold Card was being sold online last night for a whopping €500
Someone in Galway is actually selling this church confession box
6 vintage sexist ads that show how marketers saw Irish women, and will now be owned by the same company
Someone ripped out their water meter and is offering it up online
There's a Back to the Future style hovercar for sale in Leitrim
There's a rather unusual Frozen doll for sale in Meath...
Why is Zuckerberg so happy? Mobile ads have helped Facebook profits surge
9 items that could only be bought and sold in Ireland
Waterballoon advert perfectly disses the water charges
This guy is selling his college degree for €1
6 burning issues at the heart of inter-Munster rivalries
You know you're from Munster when...
7 of the best hidden gems to discover in Munster
This Dubliner is selling her stuff in the oddest classified ads on the internet
6 indispensable lifehacks for your garden this summer
Is this red Volkswagen the car your car could be like? The seller thinks so
Open thread: What's your cleverest money saving tip?
6 simple things that make everyone happy
These 'inspiring' make-up ads are going viral - by revealing women's real skin
This MEP is appealing for votes on Grindr
Need a wife? This bride to be from Cork is yours for €50