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That cringey Best Picture cock-up at the Oscars is already one of the best memes of 2017

What that card ACTUALLY said.

89th Academy Awards - Show Source: Chris Pizzello/PA Wire

EVERYONE IS STILL reeling from that almighty cock-up at the Oscars last night – the small matter of giving the Best Picture award to the wrong film.

Presenter Warren Beatty somehow walked on stage with the wrong envelope, realised it, then handed it over to his co-presenter Faye Dunaway to announce La La Land as the winner (full explanation as to how this might have happened here).

La La Land producer Josh Horowitz then came forward with the actual Best Picture card, saying there’d been a mistake and Moonlight was the real recipient:

89th Academy Awards - Show Source: Chris Pizzello/PA Wire

Once the shock wore off, the image of Horowitz holding the card aloft became a huge meme – and it’s now being used to right the perceived wrongs and oversights of the past year and beyond.

There’s Beyoncé’s Grammy snub

Amy Adams not getting a Best Actress nom

Casey Affleck winning over Denzel Washington

The US election, of course

tumblr_om0rovmskf1rqzm6ho1_540 Source: Tumblr

The card was also used to unveil conspiracies

And honour all the films that were sadly overlooked in their own time

What a mess. But at least we can laugh about it now, eh?

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More: Explainer – the double envelope mix up that led to that Best Picture mess at the Oscars>

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