Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
puppy love

Maybe King Joffrey isn't such a b**tard after all

He’s been pictured enjoying time with a puppy. What sorcery is this?

via HBO

FOR ANY GAME of Thrones fan, it’s difficult to utter Joffrey’s name or even picture his smug face, without uttering “that b**tard” or words to that effect.

Now footage has emerged that turns everything on its head.

Jack Gleeson, the actor who plays King Joffrey in the HBO series has been filmed playing with a puppy.


via Vine/Manus

Jack appears to pose no threat to Debbie the puppy, and shows no signs of “doing a Lady on it” (let’s all take a moment for Sansa’s direwolf Lady, please).

Several King Joffrey (that b**tard) sightings around Dublin>

This is what the throne from Game of Thrones should actually look like>

7 year old boy writes to NASA, gets amazing reply>

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