Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Junk Food

All time
Poll: Should junk food ads be banned?
Majority of Irish people want celebrities banned from promoting junk food
Poll: Should junk food advertising on TV before 9pm be banned?
Social media ads for pizza and donuts targeted as Irish Heart Foundation takes aim at 'junk food marketing'
Poll: Do you give away unwanted junk food after Christmas?
Children who watch extra junk food adverts consume more calories
Food advertising: 'Brands get onto children's newsfeeds and interact like real life friends'
Chris Macey
16 foods that prove Irish junk food is vastly superior to the rest of the world's
Poll: Should Ireland ban junk food ads aimed at children from print and social media?
What Does Your Favourite Fast Food Says About You?
Pigging out just once can be really bad for you
A Love Letter To Beige Food, From The People Of Ireland
I knew I had to stop overeating when the local Chinese takeaway memorised my address
Christine Allen
What Your Pizza Order Actually Says About You
Not lovin' it: The slow decline of fast food in America
Burgers and chips have now been banned from the Community Games
12 of the worst things we all do in the supermarket
Poll: Should chocolate brands be allowed sponsor sports organisations?
Poll: Should supermarkets stop selling sweets at the checkout?
Treats at the tills: Supermarkets asked to ban sweets from the checkouts
Tuck shop crackdown: Quinn to issue healthy eating guidelines for schools
Children's Minister rules out junk food ban in schools
McDonald's worker accidentally hands couple bag of cash instead of food
Junk food TV ad ban to begin in September, but cheese is excluded
How poor countries are now facing obesity epidemics
11 food combinations we can't believe exist
The story of your Easter chocolate binge in pictures
Doctors in UK call for 'soda tax' and ban on junk food advertising
6 foods that will disgust you into post-Christmas detox
Fire, unemployment and the National Children's Hospital: The week in numbers
The Evening Fix... now with added Tetris-playing pumpkins
Study reveals every single junk food meal damages your arteries
Does a junk food diet lower children's IQ?
Two tips to become the world’s oldest woman, from the world’s oldest woman
Ordering a burger meal with all the trimmings? Read this first...
Disney bans junk food ads on kids' TV shows
Thinking about ordering a pizza later? You might want to think again...
One in four three-year-olds are overweight, study shows