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Back To School

This teen perfectly recreated a cringey childhood outfit for her school photo


SCHOOL PHOTOS ARE absolutely no craic, between getting the hair brush of your life and the stiff, unnatural poses. So why not have a little fun with them, when you can?

o6azpDGm Twitter / @TyraaHuntt Twitter / @TyraaHuntt / @TyraaHuntt

Upon returning to school last week, 17-year-old Tyra Hunt had to sit for a photo for her school ID. Taking inspiration from this, erm, expressive childhood photo…

kindergarten Twitter / @TyraaHuntt Twitter / @TyraaHuntt / @TyraaHuntt

…She went all out with it.

senior year Twitter / @TyraaHuntt Twitter / @TyraaHuntt / @TyraaHuntt

Perfect, right down to the hair ties. According to New York Magazine, she ironed the ‘USA’ on to a green hoodie just for the occasion. Excellent work.

The picture went viral after Tyra shared it on Twitter, and she’s happy that what was a family in-joke has tickled so many people:

The kindergarten picture is framed in the living room of my house because it’s always been funny and a joke to my family! I see it a lot.

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