Dublin: 4 °C Monday 10 February, 2025

The burning question*: Do you add salt before tasting your dinner?

This and every Monday, let TheJournal.ie distract you from the ‘serious’ news with one of life’s REAL dilemmas. (*not really)

WE KNOW HOW you feel. The week looms ahead – but you will still have a lot on your plate.

So do like we do here in TheJournal.ie HQ and get stuck into a serious debate on one of life’s most pressing questions…

This week… A bugbear of all proud cooks out there: People putting salt on their dinner before they actually taste it.We’re not talking about salt added during the cooking process. We’re talking about sprinkling it on the finished plate.

What do you do?

A. Yes, I always sprinkle salt on my dinner before tasting it, or…

(via Barbara Samuel/Flickr.com)

B. No, I would always taste my food before salting it.

(via Joshua Rappeneker/Flickr.com)

Vote here:

Poll Results:

B - I would always taste first, and then decide on seasoning (1883)
A - I always use salt before tasting (554)
C - Can't we all just get along? (149)

What burning question divides your household/work colleagues/friends? If you want to see yours featured in this series, leave us a comment or email us at tips[at]thejournal.ie

See previous entries in The Burning Question*>

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