Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Watercooler

All time
5 talking points from Sunday's Premier League action
The burning question*: Did you enjoy St Patrick’s Day?
The burning question*: Does prospect of snow excite or fill you with dread?
The burning question*: Is it okay to keep a tissue up your sleeve?
The burning question*: Santa or Santy?
The burning question*: Chunky or smooth peanut butter?
The burning question*: How often do you change your bedsheets?
The burning question*: Is it okay to wear socks in bed?
The burning question*: Electric toothbrush or not?
The burning question*: Do you regularly iron your clothes?
The burning question*: Gherkins on your burger or not?
The burning question*: How do you pronounce 'yoghurt'?
The burning question*: Do you lick the yoghurt foil lid or not?
The burning question*: Do you wash your feet in the shower?
The burning question*: Where do used tea bags go?
The burning question*: Do you have butter with peanut butter?
The burning question*: Should you make the bed every day?
The burning question*: Cutlery up or down in the dishwasher?
The (sun) burning question*: Is it okay for men to take their shirts off in public?
The burning question*: Do you squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom?
The (emergency) burning question*: King or Tayto crisps?
The burning question*: Crisp sandwiches - right or wrong?
The burning question*: Do you add salt before tasting your dinner?
The burning question*: liquid handwash or bar of soap?
The burning question*: Do you hover on outside lane on dual carriageway?
The burning question*: Do you eat breakfast?
The burning question*: Do you prefer to buy CDs or (legal) downloads?
The burning question*: DIY shops on bank holidays - heaven or hell?
The burning question*: Bottled water or tap?
The burning question*: How should sandwiches be cut?
The burning question*: Do you need a top sheet as well as duvet cover?
The burning question*: Mayonnaise or ketchup on chips?
The burning question*: Shower morning or evening?
The burning question*: When do you take teabag out of cup?
The burning question*: Cats or dogs?
The 12 burning questions* of Xmas/New Year: Staying in or going out tonight?
The 12 burning questions* of Xmas: Time to take the decorations down?
The 12 burning questions* of Xmas: Classic or new Christmas movies?
The 12 burning questions* of Xmas: Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly?
The 12 burning questions* of Xmas: Angel or star at top of tree?