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9 foods you firmly believe will cure a hangover

But probably won’t.

SURE LAST WEEKEND may have been the Bank Holiday but it’s always those quiet ones that catch you on the hop.

You head out for just the one under the assumption that you did the worst damage the week before and then you end up on the tear big time.

Which leaves you craving some serious hangover food the next day.

1. Pizza

Kathy Kmonicek/AP/Press Association Images

Whether you go all in and order a whole one for yourself or split the splices out amongst any hungover companions there’s something about the combo of cheese, grease, bread and whatever things you can think to put on top that makes it a solid post-drinking food of choice.

Even if it’s a leftover cold slice from your post-pub pizza run the night before.

2. Chinese Takeaway

via Shutterstock

Hangovers will leave you saying things like “I just need a Chinese takeaway”, finding those stray takeaway menus that always end up in random spots in the house  and making an executive decision to order one of everything on the menu.

Then asking your flatmate / significant other / pets if they want to put in an order of their own.

3. Fry-up

via Shutterstock

This is a great one for being delicious but also requires a certain amount of effort in terms of turning kitchen equipment and doing things like finding food in the fridge and removing any packaging.

Bit stressful the morning after a particularly big night.

If you can drag yourself to a decent place that will make them for you nearby then even better but sometimes we wish you could just get a good, greasy fry delivered.

4. General carb overload

via Shutterstock

You might think that “carbs” or carbohydrates are the kind of thing that only TV food experts talk about but the whole general carb family is your friend when hungover.

We’ve mentioned the pizza already (because it deserved a solo slot) but bread, pasta, bread, cakes, bread, crisps, bread and also bread are excellent options if you are being very “What is lying around the house that I can eat right now to feel better” about the whole thing.

5. Sweets

via Chewbz

Sugar is very important at some stage in your hangover and that’s where sweets come in.

You may want to go with old favourites and grab a bag of Skittles or really go to town and hit the nearest pound shop for whatever bag of sugar you can find for cheapest and inhale on the walk home.

6. Chocolate

via Shutterstock

Similar to the sweets but even more comforting because what problem can’t be solved by chocolate?

We’re fond of something that has a dash of caramel or similar but really anything chocolate related will both give you a sugar hit and that creamy, generally amazing chocolate moment that will make you think you can get through the next few hours.

7.  Fizzy drinks

Whether you reach for a Lucozade or live on a Diet Coke during the morning after there is something to be said for a bit of fizz to send some much needed life into your veins.

And by a bit of fizz we mean the guts of one of those “share size” bottles.

That you don’t share with anyone.

8.  McDonalds, Burger King, KFC or similar

If you can walk to your nearest shopping centre / urban area without wanting to curl up in a ball and cry for no reason then you might be ready for the joys of some fast food while sitting in harsh lighting.

Or you convince someone to fetch something from your favourite fast food place and bring it to you while you marinate in your own emotions on the sofa with the blinds down.

We’re 99% sure that this is why most people are in long-term relationships.

9. The chipper

Phil Noble/PA Archive/Press Association Images

So we have mentioned carbs and general takeaways but if we’re going to go for something that covers plenty of bases than the chipper is your only man.

Not only do you get the unbeatable chipper chips that are thick and perfectly formed (and we are almost sure contain The Elixir of Life) there are a host of other foods you can pair with it once you get there.


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13 reasons pizza is the world’s most perfect food>

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