Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Ad

All time
A rival made an ad calling McDonald's a communist breakfast regime
This genius ad has an excellent payoff for viewers who don't skip after five seconds
Watch: Ad for 'the world's slimmest phone' banned for objectifying women
This Joe Schmidt speech is so inspirational it'll make you want to tackle the nearest Frenchman
This smutty Valentine's ad from a travel website is terrifically unsubtle
McDonald's new ad accuses Irish lads of driving 'girly' cars
NFL to run unsettling domestic violence ad based on real 911 call during Super Bowl
This is the first Tiffany's ad ever to feature a gay couple
This heartwarming Fisher-Price ad featuring first babies of 2015 may bring a tear to the eye
Unbelievably cute UPS ad features real-life kid become a postman for a day
This awful sanitary towel ad is under fire for being 'sexist' and 'demeaning'
Carlsberg: We weren't being insensitive about the famine in new ad
Norwegian vicar wants to ban a pro-baptism ad because it features a farting baby
Remember 'former Spurs head coach' Ted Lasso? He's back!
Check out Cian Healy pulling a Jeep in this class new ad
'I remember picking stones up in this field' - Lucozade's new Henry Shefflin ad is pretty good
Brilliant ad redefines what 'like a girl' means, and everyone should watch it
Here's the gorgeous Armani ad that was shot on Dollymount Strand
This Northern Irish speeding ad has gone viral because it’s just so horrific
This DoneDeal rake ad is a perfect example of Irish brotherly love
This has to be the least appealing job ad in Ireland
Dove's wonderful Father's Day ad will make you cry warm salty tears
The most romantic thing you'll see today
This Irish Times lonely hearts ad is... intense
Laugh and cry as these Grannies take their first ever flight
Brilliant ad takes us through the A-Z of dance moves
If Facebook, Twitter and Instagram took over the Game of Thrones world...
Biscuit company hits out at homophobic comments with amazing comeback
These 'inspiring' make-up ads are going viral - by revealing women's real skin
Here's the Littlewoods Ireland advert under fire for its portrayal of women
This anti-obesity poster from France is totally unforgettable
Bizarre new Bavaria advert explains deaths of Elvis, Tupac and Kurt Cobain
Pepsi's new ad in London is terrifying people at a bus stop
You know you're an Irish culchie when...
This simple, touching advert will teach you how to find love
Nissan know exactly how to advertise to Irish people
Have you seen the bizarre biscuit ad everyone's talking about?
That incredible Jean Claude Van Damme ad made a lot of money for Volvo
Brilliant advert for guide dogs imagines other animals in their place
Check out this brilliant new ESPN ad for the 2014 World Cup