Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# current affairs

Last year
RTÉ Current Affairs staff feel women have less access to opportunities than men, report finds
All time
'I got a notion one time and I went to a hypnotist in Limerick'
'After Trump and Brexit, the centre ground of Irish politics shouldn't take their position for granted in 2017'
Larry Donnelly
'PK is back on television' - Pat and Colette on their new show and why there is 'nothing sexist' about the title
Bryan Dobson: "I'd be terrified of presenting a chat show"
"It was really tough and it is tough... I wouldn't have it any other way"
Politically disillusioned young people need an edgy, relevant programme like The Daily Show
Luke Keenan
Claire Byrne on sexism, competition from UTV and being 'as stubborn as an ass'
Lunchtime Fix: 6 things you need to know
RTÉ's Steve Carson accepts job at BBC Northern Ireland
Why bankers are just like Hobbits: The week's news skewed
No cure for the Dáil: The week's news skewed
Brian Cowen still can't believe he was Taoiseach: The week's news skewed
Banks to take us seriously... er, no: The week's news skewed
Read: Village magazine's vow to take legal action on white collar crime
Dublin's most high security creche and annoying radio presenters: The week's news skewed
Sean O'Rourke replaces Pat Kenny and Claire Byrne joins Morning Ireland
Orgasms and MacGill: The week's news skewed
Pat Kenny is leaving RTÉ to join Newstalk
Royal baby offered place in Irish creche: The week's news skewed
Bit-of-a-buffoon inquiry: The week's news skewed
Dirty Dancing in the Dáil: The week's news skewed
Reillyland declared not in recession: The week's news skewed
How to survive lunch with Bono: The week's news skewed
PAC chairman hoping to replace Cmmdr Hadfield, bring wife and son: The week's news skewed
The G8 loves it when you smile: The week's news skewed
Alan Shatter 'humbled', HSE versus the China baby video: The week's news skewed
Enda Kenny visits Greece and J Edgar Shatter fights dirty: The week's news skewed
Only losers take the bus, right Leo?: The week's news skewed
Fine Gael TDs on Twitter and free GP care : The week's news skewed
Snake oil, champagne-licking Troika: The week's news skewed
James Reilly, circuses: The week's news skewed
Here is the week in news... skewed
Here is the week's news... skewed
Here is the week's news... skewed
Here is the week's news... skewed
Here is the week's news... skewed
Here is the week's news... skewed
Here is the week's news... skewed