Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# hipsters

All time
What Percent Irish Hipster Are You?
18 ways people were incredible w*nkers in 2015
Clip-on man buns are now a reality and all hope is lost
12 signs Dublin is really and truly losing the run of itself
Have some Irish food joints been using this hipster menu generator?
New St. Pauli goalkeeper jersey appears to be inspired by 90s teen sitcoms
You can now pay €16 for a box of 'artisan' cornflakes
11 ways people are being incredible w*nkers in 2015
Skinny jeans now come with a worrying health warning
This Dublin restaurant's job posting includes one VERY important stipulation
21 things that need to get in the sea
12 of the most unbearably hipster things to ever happen
This Dublin bar's 'hipster surcharge' should definitely be a real thing
Dún Laoghaire gets go-ahead for 'urban beach' and floating pool
This politician wants a Portland-style bike route through south Dublin
Inside the first new hotel to open in Dublin for nearly 2 years... and it's so hipster it hurts
It's official: 'artisanal ice' is the most hipster thing ever
This café's strict 'no hipsters' policy takes an unexpected turn
You can now do a university course in being a hipster
13 dedicated hipsters who need to stop what they're doing immediately
World Cup hangout: Belgium and Russia sent fans to sleep and Thierry Henry did 'the butterfly'
Old Nokia 3310s are now being sold for the same price as a smartphone
Hipsters hilariously lie about loving bands that don't exist
New York hipsters have created a beard transplant boom
Like your craft beers? Then you won't like this video taking the piss out of you
Hipster Dublin club night attendees pose awkwardly for photos that are in fact videos
10 signs you're a rugby hipster
Jimmy Kimmel fooled more hipsters into talking about fake bands
‘Hipsters’ are the target of new Irish tourism campaign
Instagramming food actually makes it taste better
QUIZ: Are you a closet hipster?
Are you following the funniest restaurant on Twitter?
7 ways to spot an Irish hipster
WATCH: Hipsters lying about loving fake bands
LeBron and Russell Westbrook brought back ridiculous NBA fashion for the play-offs
Have a sleepover with the Brogan brothers. No, really.