Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# nightlife

This year
Nightlife campaign points to 'new opportunities' as backbench TDs push Harris to scrap late hours
The licensing legislation is one of the many bills that Simon Harris is inheriting as he takes over the Fine Gael leadership.
Last year
McEntee acknowledges public 'frustration' over delay in extending pub and club opening hours
Public health charities call for reform of Sale of Alcohol Bill
Longer drinking hours could harm public health, committee warned
All time
Donnelly says he raised health concerns about relaxing alcohol licensing laws
Poll: Would you stay out later if pubs and nightclubs extended their hours?
Covid blamed for delays to plan promising Irish nightlife revival
Spanish bars and nightclubs face alcohol shortages as Covid-19 restrictions lift
Revised nightclub regulations: Isolation rooms and one-metre social distance in bar queues
Nightclubs are back tonight – here's how the government's pilot event will work
New plan could lead to ‘rebirth’ of Irish nightlife, says minister
Electric Picnic organisers and nightlife group call for reopening plans for sector
Poll: Is it a good idea to extend pub and club opening hours?
Longer opening hours for nightclubs and changes to alcohol licensing under plan by Justice Minister
Consultation to take place on whether Ireland's nightclub opening hours should be updated
'For the quiet gigs you can hear a pin drop': How The Roundy in Cork makes magic with music
16 photos that sum up Irish nightlife before Christmas... as captured by Instagram users
Rio nightlife is suffering due to surge in robberies
Poll: Should some venues get 24-hour licences?
1 dead and dozens injured as car bomb explodes in Thai nightlife district
13 things anyone who has been out in Killarney will understand
'If a regular suddenly stops coming, it usually means he or she has died'
7 reasons you're an absolute boss for staying in this Friday night
12 reasons why Coppers is such a bizarre national phenomenon
Cork publican builds 35-seater cinema upstairs in his pub
9 people you'll definitely run into in the nightclub toilets
The 10 stages of JOMO you’ll experience from the sofa tonight
7 distinctive smells of the Irish night out
Coppers is launching a special "Nurses' Card"
Here are the reasons why Dry January is the smart choice
8 of the most sexy Irish aphrodisiacs
9 dear friends you DON’T want to go on a night out with
The Blagger’s Guide to a Night Out
The 8 stages of procrastination
6 little things you’ll never regret doing
7 people whose plans didn’t exactly work out
The 7 best friends to go on a night out with
Column: The ‘night economy’ is crucial to the survival of Irish towns
Richard Guiney
Monaghan nightclub refuses tap water to patrons to discourage 'drug use'
Column: Why do people try so hard with someone who's not interested?
Lisa McInerney