Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Irish men

All time
17 pieces of definitive proof that Irish men really are the ugliest in the world
10 things Irish men need to explain right this minute
10 important questions Irish women have for Irish men
13 things that make Irish men utterly irresistible
15 tweets that wonderfully sum up what it is to be an Irish man
10 reasons why Irish men are truly the best
Irish men explaining tampons and pantyliners is unexpectedly hilarious
7 gifts Irish men have for the world
8 messages from women to the penis owners of Ireland
11 things we need the world to know about Irish men
Hey lads - this Brazilian town full of women is looking for a few good men
12 things Irish women would like Irish men to know
10 things Irish men would like Irish women to know
What you can tell about an Irish guy by looking at his shoes
Beard association want to bring the World Beard Championships to Ireland
10 things Irish lads love
An Open Love Letter to the Men of Ireland
A conversation that would never happen between two Irish men
Irish men are a bunch of dopes, according to 'research'*
8 things that make Irish men almost unbearably attractive
What would scented underwear for Irish men smell like?
US blogger is told: 'The only women Irish men buy drinks for are prostitutes'
Beautie-ful fine things get Irish women’s hearts fluttering