Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Rude

All time
Being rude and mean to a co-worker can have very negative effects on their children
Last night's First Dates contained possibly the most disastrous date ever shown
Queen calls Chinese delegation "rude" in private conversation
A guy on First Dates was so rude to the lovely waitress and people weren't having it
A waiter received a hilariously mean tip from a customer, and it's outraged the internet
'I couldn't give a rat's arse if you report me!': There have been complaints about the swearing of Dublin Bus drivers
This teacher accidentally bought some very rude looking balloons for their class
16 times cats proved themselves to be absolute a**holes
An Irish girl perfectly shut down this guy who called her 'kinda fat' on Tinder
Someone changed the 'Grand Canal Docks' sign to say 'Grand Anal C***s'
This rude cat ruined its owner's yoga video, and now it's become a meme
This cyclist cut in front of a car and got some instant karma
This inadvertently rude t-shirt from China proves that some things are lost in translation
A man divorced his wife of 36 years because she had 'deformed' boobs
Here's a very good reason not to be rude to people on public transport
Five-year-old draws unintentionally rude photo of groundhog
Social welfare officer allegedly told immigrant to "go back home"
The Rude Irish Place Name Quiz
Mean guy at football game doesn't want anyone else to have fun, bursts beach ball
13 poorly placed price tags that will delight your inner child
Man kicked off flight for tweeting about 'rude' airline staff
Comedian bombs at Irish gig, calls Dubliners a bunch of c**nts
8 slightly rude things you do all the time
Brian McFadden called someone a "c**t" on Twitter
Very rude altered sign interrupts tornado news report (NSFW)
WATCH: Talking macaw tells noisy bird to shhhh
A comprehensive rundown of the most annoying neighbours in existence
15 examples of the Grammar Police at their most obnoxious
17 everyday things that inadvertently look a bit rude
Column: How to take your life back from technology
Ciara Conlon
Dept of Finance denies Lenihan jeered in conference call
Lenihan subjected to chimp noises by Citigroup investors